Family Treatment Court Program

Family Treatment Court is a program through the DC Family Court for parents found neglectful due to substance abuse, with a focus on reunification. The voluntary intensive program takes a holistic approach, focusing not only on sobriety but strengthening the family as a whole for a successful future. CASA volunteers work with all FTC youth, and, as the case moves towards reunification, work closely with the family, advocating for supports and resources to promote a strengthened parent/child relationship. Based on the CASA volunteer's work, the program manager provides regular advocacy and updates on the children and family during weekly FTC meetings at Court. FTC is currently our largest special program.
To make a CASA youth referral, please click here
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History of the Family Treatment Court
The District of Columbia Family Treatment Court was established in 2003, within the Superior Court of the District of Columbia’s Family Court. CASA for Children of DC has been an active stakeholder throughout its history and was part of a special team to redesign the FTC program in 2014. The goal of DC's Family Treatment Court is to promote safe and permanent homes for the children of parents struggling with substance abuse by maximizing the chance for family reunification. Since its inception, the DC Family Treatment Court has served over 200 parents and their children, over half of whom have successfully graduated and been reunified.
Develop a mentor-like relationship with youth to build trust and a friendly rapport to support healthy social emotional development. Based on this, volunteers advocate for their youth's best interests in Court.
Engage families in positive bonding activities and goal accomplishment to strengthen protective factors and renew the family dynamic.
Engage families in productive difficult conversations to promote healthy and positive communication.
Features of FTC Cases
CASA volunteers support every youth in Family Treatment Court
The goal of FTC is always reunification with the youth's parent(s)
FTC CASA volunteers not only support a youth or sibling group, but the youth's family as the case moves towards reunification
FTC cases allow for increased CASA volunteer advocacy through weekly meetings attended by the Judge, the Assistant Attorney General, Recovery Specialists, a representative Parent's Attorney, and the CASA FTC Program Manager
A majority of CASA volunteer's younger youth are referred through FTC; however the program serves youth of all ages
FTC CASA Volunteers
Interested in becoming an FTC CASA Volunteer? An FTC case may be right for you if:
You would like to serve a younger youth
You are interested in supporting a reunifying family
You have experience or interest in working with families impacted by substance abuse
You wish to have more regular opportunities for advocacy to the Court
Trauma-Informed Care for Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders Webinar
National Family Drug Courts: Child Welfare Specific Materials and Resources
James Fleming, Jr. M. Ed
Program Manager, Family Treatment Court