
While CASA DC serves any child in Washington, D.C., we have created five programs to provide targeted support to specific populations in need.
To make a CASA youth referral, please click here

BRIDGES Program (Previously the JBDP/PINS Program)
Through the BRIDGES Program, CASA volunteers are appointed by a judge to work with court-involved youth who have past or current exposure to the juvenile justice system. Advocates receive additional training on juvenile justice, and work with young people to support them through their journey in both the foster care system and juvenile justice.
Family Treatment Court (FTC) Program
DC's Family Treatment Court (FTC) focuses on reunifying families who have experienced neglect due to substance abuse. The voluntary intensive program takes a holistic approach, focusing not only on sobriety but strengthening the family as a whole for a successful future.
Preparing Youth for Adulthood (PYA) Program
The Preparing Youth for Adulthood (PYA) initiative was established in 2007 to better address the needs of youth transitioning from foster care into adulthood. The PYA program is focused on building necessary life skills and empowering youth to be self-sufficient and prepared for adulthood by their 21st birthday.
The EMPOWER Program was piloted in the winter of 2019 to better address the needs of youth who are survivors of suspected or confirmed human trafficking or sex crimes. The EMPOWER program is focused on empowering youth to overcome their trauma and ensuring that the youth's team is receiving optimal support.