Volunteer Requirements

1. A CASA volunteer is an individual who is at least 21 years of age and has successfully passed the application and screening process, been trained by and serves under the supervision of the CASA program and is appointed by the court to advocate for children who come into the court system as a result of abuse or neglect as defined by the state child welfare laws.
2. A qualified CASA volunteer who transfers to a new program must complete, at a minimum, training regarding the local court, laws, program policies and procedures, investigation and report writing.
3. The CASA program has a policy regarding the reactivation of volunteers who have been inactive for more than one year. The policy shall include guidelines under which a volunteer would not have to be retrained. The program shall document the specific information when reactivating a volunteer without retraining.
4. A CASA volunteer is an individual who respects a child’s inherent right to be safe, establish permanence and have the opportunity to thrive.
5. The CASA volunteer is an individual who advocates for the child’s best interests in the court at every stage of the case once appointed by the court.
6. All CASA volunteer applicants are required to:
a. Complete a written application containing information about educational background, training, employment history and experience working with children.
b. Submit the names of three or more references that are unrelated to the applicant.
c. Authorize the CASA program and other appropriate agencies and provide the necessary information for them to secure the following record checks:
i. Social security number verification.
ii. Criminal records from the court jurisdiction in which the applicant currently resides and works.
iii. State criminal records.
iv. FBI or other national criminal database.
v. National sex offender registry.
vi. Child abuse registry or child protective services check where permissible by law.
d. Participate in an in-person interview(s) with CASA program personnel.
Note: 30-hr training expectation (10-hours in-person and 20-hours online). Due to COVID, all trainings are currently held virtually.